Each // Bay Street Recordings

Friday, April 04, 2008


Release-date: 16.05.2008 | BAYSR 008 | Digital Only

A | 1 - Sweet Lullaby
produced 2007 | produced by Vincenzo Ragone & Elmar Schubert

B | 1 - Sweet Lullaby ( Each Remix)
produced 2007 | produced by Each
Additional information:

Needless to introduce the funkiest duo of Satin Souls behind priceless great remixes and productions on Naked music in the old days...

Vincenzo has always brought some amazing timeless groove .. he has a substential history of successful tunes...while Elmar also released some truly wicked stuff....

The original track sweet lullaby is indeed sweet but has also some other facettes .. foremost it has this great touch of funkiness (Which by the way seems to have disappeared from todays music vocabulary..) and has a strong ambiguous and mysterious feeling, a journey which constantly switches from happiness to sadness, which we could name as a Bitter happiness ... omnipresent throughout the tune, this amazing groove takes us beyond the limits.. this mixed feeling is the core of this track...
you never know exactly towards which feeling the track will take you next... unpredictability is also an essential part of our music definition!!

Each remix is also diverse and brings another deep & dark techno touch... strong shit for the dancefloor...

we hope you will enjoy listening to it as much as we did enjoying playing it !!!!

all the best to all your guyzz!!!!!!
and see you soon fro my album!!

Bay street Crew