"In an effort to raise the profile of the Control Arms Campaign in Brazil, London-based DJ Each took the message across the country throughout September 2004.
Starting closer to home with London's Brazilian community, DJ Each kicked off at Rattapallax Poetry & Music Party @ Blag Club in Notting Hill, garnering extensive coverage in the bilingual British/Brazilian 'Jungle Drums' magazine in its 16th edition. Tour Organiser: Luzia Laffoux
Following this hugely successful launch, which saw many people actively discussing the issues and queuing up to join the Million Faces Petition,the tour moved onto Brazil. A packed-out saturday night at 'Off Road Project' in Bahia was the first port of call. Club Owner Marcia Franco was so impressed with Each's electro-house grooves and the clubbers' response to the Control Arms message, she invited us back in February for another night of campaign clubbing!
Next up was a storming night at the famous 'Spin Club' in Porto Alegre,alongside award-winning Brazilian electro DJ Oscar Bueno. Local Fashion Designer / Promoter Marquinhos Rocha did such an outstanding job building support for the event that the overwhelming numbers of people queuing to get in proved to be far in excess of what the club could actually hold! Hearing of this, prominent Brazilian fashion house 'Zapping', who had the club booked for the next night, stepped in and invited us to share the venue with them! The follow-up night was another huge success, with as many people eager to learn about the campaign and join the Million Faces petition, as they were getting busy on the dancefloor.
'D-EDGE' in Sao Paulo is widely regarded as among the finest clubs in Brazil and as such, Each's & Control Arms campaign finale received a lot of media attention, including a two-page spread in the popular 'Beatz'magazine, in its 12 edition. The line-up was again with Oscar Bueno and this time, together with another Brazilian electro-music star, Dj Magal and Freakplasma Band, under the promotion of Dj Glaucia ++ & Simone Sutilli.Although officially finished after this last big night, Each was invited by Oscar Bueno to extend the tour with a final FINAL performance at D-EDGE top after-hours, 'Paradise'.
Having set many dancefloors ablaze and significantly raised awareness of the efforts needed to combat arms proliferation across Brazil (and around the world), DJ Each and Oscar Bueno are now planning another tour together,already confirmed for January 2005! We hope their efforts continue to help in the push to Control Arms in Brazil."
Text by:
Luzia Laffoux
Dj Each Promoter
Revised by:
Nick Kay
Photos by:
Jaelcio Alexandre